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Email Marketing Automation How It Always Should Have Been

Email automation is supposed to be simple and easy to implement. Automation should be able to take away the complexity in marketing. That's what tinyEmail's email marketing automation does for you. Read more to find out about our newest feature.

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Quick Recap: What is email marketing automation and why is it important.

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools in any marketer’s toolkit. It allows you to build relationships with your customers over time by sending them timely, personalized messages that are relevant to what they’re interested in.

But what if you could take this one step further? What if you could automate some of these email sequences so that they happen automatically based on what someone does or doesn’t do in your email marketing campaign? That’s exactly what email marketing automation does!

With email marketing automation, you can set up conditions based on certain actions (like whether someone opens an email or clicks on a link within it) or on factors like time or date or even whether someone is on your list or not. Then, when those conditions are met, an action will be taken (like sending a personalized message). This way, you can ensure that everyone who opts in receives great content—but without having to manually send those emails yourself!

It’s important for ecommerce businesses like Shopify store owners because it frees up their time so they can focus on other things like growing their business and connecting with customers instead of spending all day typing out individual emails!

What's wrong with today's email automation tools?

First off, they’re too complex. Most of them require dedicated skills or have complex pricing structures that make them inaccessible to most businesses. They also require advanced integrations or data engineers to set them up properly – which means that they’re not scalable at all! And lastly, most of them require a lot of upfront investment (either in time or money) before you can even start using them properly.

Simplicity is no longer the name of the game

Automation in its inception is supposed to simplify lives. While I’m sure that’s how the advent of marketing automation tools began, that is hardly the case anymore. Automation tools today are intimidating, highly complex while putting out results that make us question their effectiveness.

It's cost prohibitive

The average marketing automation tool costs hundreds of dollars a month if you do not want to deal with crippling usage limitations. Small business do not have that kind of money to invest in marketing automation. A small team takes on too much and too often we see businesses with great potential burn out.

Introducing tinyEmail Automations

Meet tinyEmail Market Automation. In one word; Easy – tinyEmail saves you time and simplifies your eCommerce email marketing by reducing the amount of time you spend on crafting emails so you can focus on what matters most – your customers and your brand.

Literally one-click implementation: Effortlessly connect with your Shopify or WooCommerce and we’ll pull in all your customer data. Then, just with one click you can enable abandoned cart and purchase emails.

What can it do?

Low learning curve: Setting up tinyEmail is quick and easy, and you can start automating your emails in just a few minutes.

Set it and forget it: There’s no maintenance or manual edits needed. Our AI-assisted copywriter creates engagement-driving, succinct copy and manages your data integration automatically.

What's next?

We are rapidly working on our suite of automation features and expect weekly enhancements. We’ll build on top of this solid foundation and keep adding helpful features while staying true to our core value of simplicity and affordability.

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